We are happy to announce that our Spanish distributor Todoverde based in Ourense, Galicia, Spain have installed their first Big Hanna Composter. Todoverde was founded in 1984 converting manure from a rabbit farm to a natural fertilizer in a sustainable and effective way by using vermicomposting. Today Todoverde produce and sell natural fertilizer, garden products and small scale composters at their Garden centre. They are now introducing our Big Hanna Composter to the Spanish market.

In December, Todoverde installed their first Big Hanna Composter model T40 at the Hotel and Restaurant O’Xardín in O Carballiño in Galicia, north western part of Spain.

The composter and biofilter are installed in an unheated wooden shelter close to the hotel.   
The machine was installed end of December 2012 and after the Christmas and New Year holiday they started to put their food waste into the Big Hanna in the beginning of January.  
This installation is partly financed by the Europe Development Fund and the regional operational program Feder Galicia 2007-2013 introducing new possibilities of minimize organic waste sent to landfill. 

For more information on installations in Spain contact our distributor www.todoverde.com  

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