Vertal inc will attend the 2012 Southeast Food Waste Reduction Conference on Nov 12-13, 2012
The Southeast Food Waste Reduction Conference is a professional symposium designed for attendees in both the public and private sector working in the fields of composting and organics recycling. During the 1.5 day conference, attendees will gain new insights to create successful food waste diversion programs in both residential and commercial settings. We will explore a diverse array of organics recycling topics including source reduction, separation and collection, composting technologies, regulation and legislation, commercial composting strategies and much more.
The Southeast Food Waste Reduction Conference is intended for commercial and institutional food waste generators (e.g. restaurants, cafeterias, universities, etc), composting professionals, legislators and policymakers, recycling coordinators and utility directors, purchasing agents and facility managers, collection contractors and landfill operators, energy recovery and recycling contractors, growers, processors, distributors and retailers.
Click here for more information about the conference.
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