Vitsippan, Home for the elderly, Gislaved, Sweden
Restaurant El Raso, Collado Villalba, Spain
Hotel Tigaiga, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain
Sunset Grill & Bar, Istanbul, Turkey
Coca-Cola headquarter, Istanbul, Turkey
STF Abisko Mountain lodge, Abisko, Sweden
Abbey de Fontevraude, France
Rosendals Garden , Stockholm, Sweden
The Eden Project, Cornwall, UK
Lingyin Temple, Hangzhou, Republic of China
Kellys Resort Hotel and Spa, Wexford, Ireland
Glenmore Lodge, Cairngorms National Park, Scotland, UK
Municipality of Boalo, Spain
Concello Oroso, Spain
Comuni di Masserano, Biella, Italy
City of Seborga, Imperia, Italy
Villa San Giovanni in Tuscia, Italy
Montesano, Lecce, Italy
Town of Allariz, Province of Ourenze, Galicia, Spain
Municipality of Montalto Ligure, Imperia, Italy
Sant'Agata di Puglia, Italy
Univalom transport levage manutention transvert d'usine contes, France
Municipality of Ne, Liguria, Italy
Municipality of Fondachelli-Fantina, Sicily, Italy