This spring two students, Marcus Sohlberg and Henrik Svensson from Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Product- and production development, Division of Production System made their Bachelor of Science Thesis ‘Life cycle assessment and environmental benefits of the composting machine Big Hanna’. 

The thesis is written in Swedish but the Summaryis available also in english:

In today’s society demands are getting higher on both small and big scaled companies that need to reach environmental goals from local and national authorities. Big Hanna is a large sized composting machine that has been in use internationally since the past 20 years. An environmental report for Big Hanna has been required. Already existing and potential clients must be able to show data of the products environmental impacts, in order to achieve endorsement from local and national authorities. Susteco is a smaller company in Gothenburg that distributes the product. The goal of the analysis was to determine the potential environmental winnings when using Big Hanna. To achieve these results, a comparing LCA was carried out. LCA is an abbreviation for Lifecycle assessment, a technique used to measure environmental impacts in all the stages of a product’s life from-cradle-to-grave. The comparing cases in this analysis include the use of:
  • Landfill 
  • Central composting 
  • Incineration 

Analysis of the manufacturing and destruction/recycling resource consumption for municipal plants with machineries and facilities were considered to be negligible in comparison to the user stage’s environmental impact. The analysis is therefore only focused towards the user stage in all the comparing cases. The biggest market for the product is the English market. Data has therefore only been collected from the English market and with consideration to their environmental infrastructure. 

Since no transport is needed and no ammonia is produced during the degradation process since the nitrogen/carbon content as well as the temperature is being measured and regulated during the process, Big Hanna is the most environment-friendly alternative.’

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This spring two students, Marcus Sohlberg and Henrik Svensson from Chalmers University of Technology, Department of Product- and production development, Division of Production System made their Bachelor of Science Thesis ‘Life cycle assessment and environmental benefits of the composting machine Big Hanna’. 

The thesis is written in Swedish but the Summaryis available also in english:

In today’s society demands are getting higher on both small and big scaled companies that need to reach environmental goals from local and national authorities. Big Hanna is a large sized composting machine that has been in use internationally since the past 20 years. An environmental report for Big Hanna has been required. Already existing and potential clients must be able to show data of the products environmental impacts, in order to achieve endorsement from local and national authorities. Susteco is a smaller company in Gothenburg that distributes the product. The goal of the analysis was to determine the potential environmental winnings when using Big Hanna. To achieve these results, a comparing LCA was carried out. LCA is an abbreviation for Lifecycle assessment, a technique used to measure environmental impacts in all the stages of a product’s life from-cradle-to-grave. The comparing cases in this analysis include the use of:
  • Landfill 
  • Central composting 
  • Incineration 

Analysis of the manufacturing and destruction/recycling resource consumption for municipal plants with machineries and facilities were considered to be negligible in comparison to the user stage’s environmental impact. The analysis is therefore only focused towards the user stage in all the comparing cases. The biggest market for the product is the English market. Data has therefore only been collected from the English market and with consideration to their environmental infrastructure. 

Since no transport is needed and no ammonia is produced during the degradation process since the nitrogen/carbon content as well as the temperature is being measured and regulated during the process, Big Hanna is the most environment-friendly alternative.’

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