This year we have decided to include some of our old but still good references in our blog. Installations made in the past before we had a blog. Our first ‘oldie but goodie’ is our biggest tailor made machine at the Eden Project in Cornwall, UK. In May 2005 Susteco AB installed a bigger version of Big Hanna called Neter30 – a 30 cubic meter (a Big Hanna T60 is 1 cubic meter for comparison) in-vessel composter that has been taking care of the food waste from the 1 million visitor every year at Eden for almost eight years now. 

In this movie Eden Project describes how they turn their food waste in to valuable soil. The compost food waste is mixed with compost from garden waste and is used to grow flowers as well a fresh food that is served at Eden Project.

On Eden Projects website you can read about why they are composting:

‘Why Eden composts

Maxine Fuller, Waste Operations Manager at Eden, says: ‘The whole composting process is a great educational tool for visitors, because they see the journey of their food from the plate through to the plant. It starts as they sort waste from their trays into different containers, and ends as they pass the composting plant which has been deliberately sited near one of the public car parks. It’s Eden’s version of alchemy.”

‘What comes out is a potent material that’s either mixed with soil or used as a mulch. ‘Using compost made from waste to grow new plants is a great illustration of the Eden philosophy and, from a horticulture perspective, we’re really pleased with the results we’ve seen,’ says Eden Project horticulturist Darren Topps.’

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