John Clifford of Focused Sustainability Group will be presenting Big Hanna at the Rhode Island Compost Conference and Trade Show on Friday February 8, 2013 Johnson & Wales University Harborside Recreation Center.
This is the agenda:
8:30 AM Registration begins and trade show opens.
9 AM Welcome Greetings From hosts, conveners, and dignitaries
9:25 AM Charge for the day
9:35 AM Keynote Gretel Clark Hamilton MA compost program
10:15 AM announcements
10:20 AM head to workshops
First session of panels 10:30 to 11;25
Solutions for restaurants Matt Genusio Chez Pascal Paul Frade PF Trading
Home composting Nancy Warner Worm Ladies of Charlestown Reinhard Sidor URI Master Composters
Compost science Dr. Robert Rafka URI Master Composters
The environment in RI for advances in composting Frank Jacques Buxton Hollow Farm Greg Gerritt RI Compost Initiative
Second session 11:35 to 12:30
Solutions for institutions Scott Miller JWU Jim Murphy RIC David Temple Vegware
The state of compost on Smith Hill Rep. Art Handy and another legislator
In vessel aerobic composting John Clifford Big Hanna Bill Hanley Biogreen 360
Compost, soil, and food in Rhode Island Mike Merner Earthcare Farm Ken Ayars RIDEM
Lunch and Trade Show at 12:30 in the exhibition hall
2 PM panel what next Panelists Michael O’Connell RIRRC Lauri Grantham RIDEM,
3 PM next steps closing
3:15 PM Trade show
This Event is hosted by the Environment COuncil of Rhode Island. More information click here.