From their website: ‘The Fogar Farm has a surface area of 7 hectares (over 17 acres) and has been certified by the Consello Regulador de Agricultura Ecolóxica de Galicia (C.R.A.E.G.A), the Regulatory Council of Organic Farming in Galicia. The certification of our cultivating system guarantees that natural resources are used wisely. No chemical fertilizers or insecticides are used. We have no genetically modified crops. We use crop rotation and association techniques and we only use fertilizers and treatments that are not harmful to the earth, and are therefore not harmful to people.In this way, we produce organic food that goes directly from the ground to the table; some of the crops are also sold to local groups practising responsible consumption.‘
The restaurant is characterized by the pursuit of sustainable development and commitment to the environment. Their gastronomy is in Spanish called ‘Cociña da terra’ which in English means ‘regional cuisine’. They serve organic food from their farm and adjust the menu to the seasonal products available.
- Consume goods returnable containers or served in bulk.
- 100% composting of organic waste.
- Employing the generated compost as organic fertilizer in ecological gardens.
- Reuse the glass and cardboard like materials used in their bio constructions.
- The frying oil is the main source of energy, as this is used in power generation and agricultural vehicles.
As an example of their bio constructions please see in the picture below a wall build of glass bottle bottoms.
Big Hanna have in Sweden been used to compost food waste on-site for more than 20 years. The possibility to compost on-site for a restaurant of this size is still a quite new experience in Spain. The goal set in all European countries to divert the food waste from the landfill sites gave ‘O Fogar do Santiso’ the opportunity to receive some funding of the investment from one of the European Development funds projects. O Fogar do Santiso is definitely showing the best practices when closing the loop by not sending any organic waste to landfill.
For more information about Big Hanna in Spain please contact our distributor Todoverde
If you are in the region we strongly recommend a visit to ‘O Fogar do Santiso’ and taste their organic food. For pictures from their fantastic restaurant and how they work please visit their website