‘In organic farming, the earth is seen as a living organism. You could say that the earth breathes, eats, grows and rests’
Translation from Anna Backlin’s book ‘Jord i god kultur 2005’

ECN (European Compost Network) have published two factsheets about compost and the positive effect compost has on soil. These documents explain the benefit of using compost instead of chemical fertilizers, how compost helps restoring depleted soils. When compost is made in a completely natural way (mixing carbon, nitrogen, moisture, and oxygen) without heating the process nor adding any additives like enzymes nor bacteria’s, compost improves the soil.
You find the fact sheets on ECN website or in the links below:
Fact sheet 1: Soil Structure and Carbon storage
Fact sheet 2: Soil Fertility and Productivity
How to compost the natural way with Big Hanna composter see www.bighanna.com