In November 2015 the company Elkoplast, partner and reseller of Big Hanna, placed a Big Hanna model T120 on the Mendel University premises to serve he university’s canteen. The canteen serves meals to students, university employees as well as the public and sits 250 guests. Each day the kitchen produce between 60-80 kilos of left overs and other organic waste which is put into the Big Hanna and turned into compost.
The Big Hanna is installed adjacent to the kitchen under a protective roof and the kitchen staff put waste here five days a week. The T120 is equipped with a screw conveyor to feed the waste into the composter and a 40L container where the finished compost is being kept to stabilize and mature. A user friendly touch screen panel with internet connection and an operating program monitor the composters internal process and temperature in real time and make it easy to survey.

Here is a picture that shows the rotating cylinder and how the movement feed the compost towards the outlet and then into the container. The space between the outlet and container should always be completely sealed, but here we want to show how it actually works.
This is how the compost from the Mendel University looks like. This model has no grinder since the waste is either finely chopped or consist of cooked food. Instead the bacteria do all the job and do it well, as you can see the compost is of very high quality.
Read more about the university here www.mendelu.cz/en/
Read more about our distributor in Elkoplast in Czech Republic here: http://www.elkoplast.sk/katalog/odpadove-hospodarstvo/kompostery-big-hanna
Read more about Big Hanna and our models here: www.bighanna.com