In 2007 Vitsippan, a home for the elderly, was built in Gislaved, a town in southern part of Sweden. This Big Hanna composter model T60 was installed and have been composting the food waste from the kitchen ever since, 13 years of operation.
In this home there are 70 small apartments/rooms for the residents. The composter is installed in a separate building and all waste from the home is source separated and then taken to this waste area. The food waste is put in the Big Hanna on a daily basis and some compost comes out automatically every day into the bag on the outlet pipe. The compost is then stored on a secondary treatment between the gardening seasons before it is used as a soil amendment.
We believe that people want to take back responsibility and fight climate change locally and are willing to do so wherever they live, work or enjoy life. This is an example of how that has been done for a long time.
More information about Big Hanna composter